Documentation for Oxygen.jl
Starting the webserver
— Functionserve(; middleware::Vector=[], handler=stream_handler, host="", port=8080, async=false, parallel=false, serialize=true, catch_errors=true, docs=true, metrics=true, show_errors=true, show_banner=true, docs_path="/docs", schema_path="/schema", external_url=nothing, revise, kwargs...)
Start the webserver with your own custom request handler
— Functionserveparallel(; middleware::Vector=[], handler=stream_handler, host="", port=8080, serialize=true, async=false, catch_errors=true, docs=true, metrics=true, kwargs...)
— Macro@get(path::String, func::Function)
Used to register a function to a specific endpoint to handle GET requests
— Macro@post(path::String, func::Function)
Used to register a function to a specific endpoint to handle POST requests
— Macro@put(path::String, func::Function)
Used to register a function to a specific endpoint to handle PUT requests
— Macro@patch(path::String, func::Function)
Used to register a function to a specific endpoint to handle PATCH requests
— Macro@delete(path::String, func::Function)
Used to register a function to a specific endpoint to handle DELETE requests
— Macro@route(methods::Array{String}, path::String, func::Function)
Used to register a function to a specific endpoint to handle mulitiple request types
Missing docstring for get(path, func)
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for post(path, func)
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for put(path, func)
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for patch(path, func)
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for delete(path, func)
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for route(methods, path, func)
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Mounting Files
— Macro@staticfiles(folder::String, mountdir::String, headers::Vector{Pair{String,String}}=[])
Mount all files inside the /static folder (or user defined mount point)
— Macro@dynamicfiles(folder::String, mountdir::String, headers::Vector{Pair{String,String}}=[])
Mount all files inside the /static folder (or user defined mount point), but files are re-read on each request
— Functionstaticfiles(folder::String, mountdir::String; headers::Vector{Pair{String,String}}=[], loadfile::Union{Function,Nothing}=nothing)
Mount all files inside the /static folder (or user defined mount point). The headers
array will get applied to all mounted files
— Functiondynamicfiles(folder::String, mountdir::String; headers::Vector{Pair{String,String}}=[], loadfile::Union{Function,Nothing}=nothing)
Mount all files inside the /static folder (or user defined mount point), but files are re-read on each request. The headers
array will get applied to all mounted files
Autogenerated Docs
— Functionconfigdocs(docspath::String = "/docs", schemapath::String = "/schema")
Configure the default docs and schema endpoints
Missing docstring for enabledocs
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for disabledocs
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for isdocsenabled
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— Functionmergeschema(route::String, customschema::Dict)
Merge the schema of a specific route
— Functionsetschema(customschema::Dict)
Overwrites the entire internal schema
— Functiongetschema()
Return the current internal schema for this app
Helper functions
Missing docstring for queryparams
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— Functionformdata(request::HTTP.Request)
Read the html form data from the body of a HTTP.Request
Read the html form data from the body of a HTTP.Response
— Functionhtml(content::String; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a String that should be interpreted as HTML
— Functiontext(request::HTTP.Request)
Read the body of a HTTP.Request as a String
Read the body of a HTTP.Response as a String
text(content::String; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a String that should be interpreted as plain text
— Functionfile(filepath::String; loadfile=nothing, status = 200, headers = []) :: HTTP.Response
Reads a file and returns a HTTP.Response. The file is read as binary. If the file does not exist, an ArgumentError is thrown. The MIME type and the size of the file are added to the headers.
: The path to the file to be read.loadfile
: An optional function to load the file. If not provided, the file is read using theopen
: The HTTP status code to be used in the response. Defaults to 200.headers
: Any additional headers to be included in the response. Defaults to an empty array.
- A HTTP response.
— Functionxml(content::String; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a String that should be interpreted as XML
— Functionjs(content::String; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a String that should be interpreted as JavaScript
— Functionjson(request::HTTP.Request; keyword_arguments...)
Read the body of a HTTP.Request as JSON with additional arguments for the read/serializer.
json(request::HTTP.Request, classtype; keyword_arguments...)
Read the body of a HTTP.Request as JSON with additional arguments for the read/serializer into a custom struct.
json(response::HTTP.Response; keyword_arguments)
Read the body of a HTTP.Response as JSON with additional keyword arguments
json(response::HTTP.Response, classtype; keyword_arguments)
Read the body of a HTTP.Response as JSON with additional keyword arguments and serialize it into a custom struct
json(content::Any; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a String that should be interpreted as JSON
json(content::Vector{UInt8}; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A helper function that can be passed binary data that should be interpreted as JSON. No conversion is done on the content since it's already in binary format.
— Functioncss(content::String; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a String that should be interpreted as CSS
— Functionbinary(request::HTTP.Request)
Read the body of a HTTP.Request as a Vector{UInt8}
binary(content::Vector{UInt8}; status::Int, headers::Vector{Pair}) :: HTTP.Response
A convenience function to return a Vector of UInt8 that should be interpreted as binary data
Repeat Tasks & Cron Scheduling
— Macro@cron(expression::String, func::Function)
Registers a function with a cron expression. This will extract either the function name or the random Id julia assigns to each lambda function.
@cron(expression::String, name::String, func::Function)
This variation provides way manually "name" a registered function. This information is used by the server on startup to log out all cron jobs.
— Functionstarttasks()
Start all background repeat tasks
— Functionstoptasks()
Stop all background repeat tasks
— Functioncleartasks(ct::ServerContext)
Clear any stored repeat task definitions
— Functionstartcronjobs()
Start all the cron cronjobs within their own async task. Each individual task will loop conintually and sleep untill the next time it's suppost to
— Functionstopcronjobs()
Stop each background task by toggling a global reference that all cron jobs reference
— FunctionClears all cron job defintions
Missing docstring for clearcronjobs
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— FunctionOxygen.internalrequest
— Functioninternalrequest(req::HTTP.Request; middleware::Vector=[], serialize::Bool=true, catch_errors::Bool=true)
Directly call one of our other endpoints registered with the router, using your own middleware and bypassing any globally defined middleware
— Functionredirect(path::String; code = 308)
return a redirect response
— Functionterminate(ctx)
stops the webserver immediately
— Functionresetstate()
Reset all the internal state variables